

So you’re thinking about getting a skylight installed in your home, but you’re not sure if it’s the right investment. Just like getting your roof replaced or choosing new gutters, there are several considerations.

As professionals, we understand the pros and cons of having skylights and how to avoid the pitfalls — particularly by choosing the right equipment and approaching each situation with the homeowner’s best interests in mind.

No skylight installation is the same because each person considers them for different reasons. Maybe you’d like more natural sunlight in your bedroom or bathroom? Or better ventilation? Or maybe you’d like to add solar generated heat to a frigid living space? Direct sunlight for Mandir or garden.

5 Key things you have to consider while installing Skylights.

1.  What is the purpose of Skylights?

Are you installing the skylight, for a particular reason, like natural light, ventilation, for your garden or mandir? or for aesthetics and star gazing? Each purpose has different options that will best suit your purpose. Eg. A garden skylight can also be openable, where as a bathroom skylight requires shades for privacy.

2.  Does the equipment suit your climate year round?

The company from which you are getting your skylight installed, do they know your city and the climate fluctuations ? Temperature differences, direct sunlight and the intensity around 12 months, heavy rains and dust accumulation. The company installing the skylight should know the right equipment to suit the natural wear and tear to last you a lifetime.

3.  What is the access to system after installation.

If you plan to install a skylight in a tropical area which is not shaded by trees, I am sure you will require some kind of privacy and also protection from direct sun in hot summer days. Make sure, you have zero maintenance for you mechanism, as it will be expensive to change or maintain any mechanicals at a height.

4.  Is it safe?

When we talk about safety, it is for robbers and intruders, which get one more access point and also if you are shaded by trees, any fruits falling or any rodents, pest eating away the seals or anchors of the skylights. Make sure the glass you use is bulletproof, as it breaks but does not fall. Which is 100% safe for any home/ resort or office installation.

Currasso, has brought skylights for the tropical climate of India and especially Mumbai. Where the heat is scorching and humidity is in the air, along with heavy rainfall during August- October (which is now changing).

Add more height to your home/ resort and office, which out raising the roof and spending on legal fees. Install a Skylight from Currasso.

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